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customer, and welcome to
Your pharmacist recommended ObThera to you because it can help you:
lose weight faster
reduce food-related side effects
and keep the weight off

Before we continue, please verify the following:

1. You are a patient of

2. You are 18 years of age, or older

3. You are currently taking - or will start taking - a prescription weight-loss medication.

Answer a few questions to start your FREE 7-Day Trial and discover how ObThera can support your goals while you are taking weight-loss medications.

First, have you been asked to make a lifestyle change?

Has a healthcare provider asked you to make lifestyle or dietary changes with your medication?

How many months have you been taking a weight-loss medication?

How satisfied are you with your weight-loss thus far?

How important is it for you to lose weight faster than you are losing right now?

A personalized nutrition program can double your weight-loss results.
Comparison of results from STEP-1 and STEP-3 trials after 8 weeks of starting semaglutide.
Medication Only
Medication + Nutrition

Have you experienced any food-related side effects?

Have you noticed any side effects from your medication, connected to your food, that affect your daily routine?

ObThera can help you
find your "problem foods".

Avoiding your problem foods will help minimize food-related side effects.


How many more months do you plan to continue a weight-loss medication?

How confident are you about maintaining your weight-loss?

Keep the weight off with
Medication + Nutrition

A combined approach helps you maintain your weight loss results over time

Weight Maintenance Zone
Over time

How committed are you to making a change?

If it would help you achieve your goals, how committed would you be to making changes to the way you eat?

Have you tried a meal plan with your medications?

Have you previously tried a meal plan alongside your weight-loss medication?

Press continue to see your results!